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Team Americas Wins Swatch Skiers Cup

14 janvier 2014

The Swatch Skiers Cup took place January 4-10, 2014 in Zermatt, Switzerland. The long going battle and rivalry between Team Europeans and Team Americas just got more intense when Team Americas was crowned this years winner. Team Americas victory ties the score for the history of the event, with each team claiming two wins for their side.

Team Americas was crowned the champion of the 2014 Swatch Skiers Cup in Zermatt on January 9, 2014. JP Auclair's crew held a 9 to 7 lead over Team Europe after the Backcountry Slopestyle day, leaving Big Mountains on Thursday to determine the ultimate winner. Unfortunately due to high winds and warm temperatures worsening the already-thin conditions, the Big Mountain competition was called off, ultimately giving Team Americas the victory after one day of skiing. 

"I'm definitely proud to lead the team to a victory," said JP Auclair. "But it does feel a bit incomplete. Both teams really wanted a chance to face off again on the Big Mountain side of the competition."

"Sure it is disappointing, as we wanted a chance to make a comeback," said Julien Regnier, captain of Team Europeans. 

After searching far and wide for the ideal venue and waiting for the ideal day things didn't seem to go the way Team Europeans wanted it to. Ultimately the athletes made the final decision to cancel the Big Mountain Competition. Leaving the decision in the hands of the athletes is what makes the Swatch Skiers Cup Special.

Though the offical event was cancelled and since all the athletes were in the starting gate, each rider was able to take a no-pressure run, putting on a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition for the gathered spectators.

SCOTT Athletes that were able to participate in the Swatch Skiers Cup were Dane Tudor and KC Deane.

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